Immigration Fees

Our professional fees are charged at an hourly rate of £275 plus VAT.

Note about VAT

Please note that wherever we indicate that VAT is payable, this will be at the standard rate from time to time, currently 20%.

1. Applications for Permanent Residence and/or for Naturalisation for British Citizenship of EEA nationals

On average, this type of work takes between 4-6 hours to complete. However, we usually cap our professional fees for this type of applications working for a Capped Fee, between £1,000 and £1,200 plus VAT per application. 

Our estimation of fees does not include any disbursements we might incur on your behalf while preparing or submitting the application and which are payable to third parties (i.e. Home Office fees for making the application, translator fees in case any document needs to be translated).

The exact number of hours it will take may vary depending on the particular circumstances of your case. Such as:

  • The amount of supporting evidence that we need to consider.

  • The amount of supporting evidence that need to be gathered.

  • Whether any of the supporting evidence need to be translated.

  • Whether any supporting evidence is missing and how long it will take to be obtained.

  • Whether you are applying with other dependents.

If you are able to provide sufficient evidence at our first meeting face to face or via email/ via conference over the phone and you clearly meet the applicable Immigration Rules, our fees are likely to be at the lower end of this range.

What services are included

The work will involve:

  • Taking your instructions, discussing your circumstances in detail and confirming whether this is the most appropriate application for you to make and what other options may be available to you.

  • Providing you advice about the requirements of the Immigration Rules and whether you meet the criteria.

  • If you do not fulfil certain criteria, whether this can be overcome and how.

  • Providing a Schedule of Documents in the form of an easy checklist listing which documents need to be gathered attending at your particular circumstances.

  • Considering the supporting evidence you have provided, which we anticipate will take 1 to 1.5 hours*.

  • Where necessary, helping you obtain further evidence (such as medical records and bank statements), including taking statements of any witnesses/referees.

  • Step-by-step guidance on the process for making the application for Permanent Residence.

  • Preparing your application and submitting it on your behalf, which we anticipate will take 1 to 2 hours*.

  • Providing a covering letter to accompany the application.

  • First port of call for any enquiries or follow-ups.

  • Detailed advice about the outcome of the application and any further steps you need to take.

* the amount of hours depends on the number of documents, whether they need to be translated, whether anything is missing and how long it will take to obtain the missing documents.

What our Capped Fee quoted here does not include:

  • Any disbursements payable to third parties during the preparation of your application, as mentioned above.

  • Any Home Office fees for making the application, as mentioned above.

  • Where the Home Office refuse your application, advice and assistance in relation to any appeal.

How long will my application take?

We cannot guarantee how long the Home Office will take to process your application. It will depend on the load of work and the processing times of the Home Office at the time your application is submitted.  

* Please note the anticipated number of hours and Capped Fee are an estimate based on the facts above. All applications are likely to vary and of course, we can give you a more accurate estimate once we have more information about your specific case.

Key Stages and Time Scales

The key stages include:

  • Taking the client’s instructions

  • Considering the suitability of the citizenship application (1 week)

  • Providing the client with a bespoke list of information and documents we require to prepare the application (1 week)

  • Preparing the application (2-3 months)

  • Submitting the application

  • Waiting for the resolution (2-4 months)

  • Coordinating the applicant’s biometrics appointment

  • Coordinating the applicant’s British Citizenship Ceremony


We would expect the disbursements to include:

  • General Registry Fees to obtain the certificates required for the application (£11 - £16 per certificate. We would expect to request 1-4 certificates)

  • Sworn translator fees (approx. £35 per page)

  • Postage fees (approx. £7.95 - £30)

  • Application fee (£1,630)

  • Biometrics appointment fee (£0 - £60 depending on the appointment selected)


2. Applications for Spanish Citizenship

Our professional fees are charged at an hourly rate of £275 plus VAT.

On average, this type of work takes between 3-4 hours to complete. We usually cap our professional fees for this type of applications working for a Capped Fee of 1000 plus VAT per application.

However, in any case we will have to consider the particular circumstances of the case and number of applicants for whom you wish to obtain the Spanish Citizenship in addition to you. When the number of applicants is more than one we will provide you with another estimation of fees in accordance with the particularities of the case, additional documents that might be obtained.

Our estimation of fees does not include any disbursements we might incur on your behalf while preparing or submitting the application and which are payable to third parties (i.e. translator fees in case any document needs to be translated, additional fees incurred in obtaining any missing document).

The exact number of hours it will take may vary depending on the particular circumstances of your case. Such as:

- How quick we can take instructions from you and know the particularities of your case;
- Whether any supporting document is missing and how long it will take to be obtained;
- Whether 
any supporting document need to be translated and/or certified;

What services are included

The work will involve:

  • Taking your instructions and discussing your circumstances in detail.

  • Providing you advice on what documents need to be obtained.

  • Step-by-step guidance on the process for making the application for Spanish Citizenship.

  • Where necessary, helping you obtain the supporting documents.

  • Preparing your application and submitting it on your behalf.

  • First port of call for any enquiries or follow-ups.

  • Detailed advice about the outcome of the application and any further steps you need to take.Detailed advice about the outcome of the application and any further steps you need to take.

What our Capped Fee quoted here does not include:

  • Any disbursements payable to third parties during the preparation of your application, as mentioned above.

  • Where the Spanish Consulate refuses your application, advice and assistance in relation to any appeal. In this case another estimation of fees will be given to you if you want to submit again the application or you want to appeal the refusal.

How long will my application take?

We cannot guarantee how long the Spanish Consulate will take to process your application. It will depend on the load of work and the processing times of the Spanish Consulate at the time your application is submitted.  

*Please note the anticipated number of hours and Capped Fee are an estimate based on the facts above. All applications are likely to vary and of course, we can give you a more accurate estimate once we have more information about your specific case.

Key Stages

The key stages include:

  • Taking the client’s instructions

  • Considering the suitability of the citizenship application (1 week)

  • Preparing the application (2-3 months)

  • Submitting the application

  • Waiting for the resolution (2-4 months)


We would expect the disbursements to include:

  • General Registry Fees to obtain the certificates required for the application ((£11 - £16 per certificate. We would expect to request 1-4 certificates)

  • Legalisation fees (£45 per document)

  • Sworn translator fees (approx. £35 per page)

  • Postage fees (approx. £7.95 - £30)


3. Reports on Spanish Law to deal with immigration matters

Our professional fees are charged at an hourly rate of £275 plus VAT

We will have to consider the particular circumstances of the case and issues to be addressed in the report to give you with an estimation of our fees and time to complete the report.

What services are included

The work will involve:

·         Taking instructions and discussing the particularities of the case you need advice for.

·         Considering any documents that might be relevant for the report.

·         Writing the report.

·         Giving a time within reason to address any questions and give any clarifications to specific points of the report.

How long it will take to have the report?

We will usually have the report ready within two weeks from the date we are fully instructed by you and have all the facts and documents needed for their consideration.

Key Stages

The key stages include:

  • Taking the client’s instructions

  • Considering the content of the report taking into account the client’s circumstances and relevant legislation and case law, where necessary (1 week)

  • Preparing the report (1 – weeks)

  • Sending the report to the client


We would expect the disbursements to include:

  • Postage fees (approx. £7.95 - £30)